Sony Pictures have released several images featuring a de-aged Tom Hanks and Robyn Wright in the Robert Zemeckis feature ‘Here.’

Based on Richard McGuire’s 2014 graphic novel of the same name, the film plays out within a single location – the camera never moving from a fixed position inside a home over the entire 104-minute runtime.

It tells the stories of the family who made a home there including the central couple played by Hanks and Wright.

Tom Hanks and Robyn Wright in Robert Zemeckis' Here Tom Hanks and Robyn Wright in Robert Zemeckis' Here Tom Hanks and Robyn Wright in Robert Zemeckis' Here

The movie reunites Hanks and Wright with ‘Forrest Gump’ filmmaker Zemeckis and scribe Eric Roth. It also stars Paul Bettany and Kelly Reilly as the parents of Hanks’ character, David Flynn as an inventor and Ophelia Lovibond as a pin-up model both during the 1920s, and Michelle Dockery and Gwilym Lee as a couple at the turn of the 20th century.

The movie will be released in U.S. cinemas on November 25th.

Here’s the trailer