Something More Than One Thing, directed by Jay Alvarez and executive produced by the Russo Brothers, is a contemporary social drama that delves into the complexities of modern relationships in the digital age. The film follows Caitlin (played by The Walking Dead’s Alex Sgambati) and her boyfriend Dylan (Devan Costa) as their relationship unravels after a disturbing revelation. It features 300 actors depicting the state of online tribalism and the state of online discourse.

Seeking advice online, they encounter conflicting guidance from random strangers — Dylan finds himself drawn into the toxic manosphere, while Caitlin faces online mobs pressuring her to end their relationship. As their real-life communication deteriorates, the couple becomes increasingly absorbed by the endless online interactions. 

The film’s narrative is an exploration of how digital spaces can distort and disrupt personal relationships. Caitlin and Dylan’s journey through online forums and social media reflects the broader challenges of modern societies of maintaining authentic connections. 

Jay Alvarez, known for his debut feature I Play With the Phrase Each Other, shot the film entirely on an iPhone, and brings a unique vision to this project. His previous work, which premiered in London and won a special jury prize at the Slamdance Film Festival, caught the attention of the Russo Brothers.

The film is produced by Will Hand, Alexander Fraser, and Darius Anderson of Indoor Feeling Films, with Joe and Anthony Russo, and Jack and Stephen T. Hearst serving as executive producers. Their involvement adds a layer of prestige and expectation, given the Russo Brothers’ track record of supporting innovative filmmakers.

Premiering at the Raindance Film Festival, “Something More Than One Thing feels like a deeply muddled addition to the long tradition of era defining relationship movies. While Alvarez’s direction is noted for pushing the language of cinema forward, you can’t help but feels as though there are way too many ideas here fighting for central stage.

While admittedly thought-provoking and timely, the film often suffers from a case of “been there, done that”. Still there are some decent performances here from a its principle. Somewhere in here is a great movie dying to be made, but unfortunately this may not be that movie. 

Something's More Than One Thing
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Linda Marric is a senior film critic and the newly appointed Reviews Editor for HeyUGuys. She has written extensively about film and TV over the last decade. After graduating with a degree in Film Studies from King's College London, she has worked in post-production on a number of film projects and other film related roles. She has a huge passion for intelligent Scifi movies and is never put off by the prospect of a romantic comedy. Favourite movie: Brazil.
somethings-more-than-one-thing-reviewWhile thought-provoking and timely, this is a muddled addition to the long tradition of era defining relationship movies. Director Alvarez's vision is to be commended, however there is too much noise here to let the good ideas make it through.